Monday in Motivation – Get inspired by Michelle Morris as she shares her views on the importance of a daily walk. For many artists, just going outside for 20 minutes each day can bring a creative boost, inspiration from nature, and better overall health.
Tuesday in Drawing Tips – Carrie Lewis will wrap up her series on using a complementary underpainting with a colored pencil landscape. If you’ve read her first and second articles already, then you’ll definitely want to see how it all turns out.
Wednesday in Featured Artists – Drop in on Wednesday for a look at some diverse, yet predominantly impressionistic paintings by Romanian artist, Nelu Gradeanu. As always, if you’d like to have your own artwork featured on EE, send it in!
Thursday in General Art Advice – Ever had someone ask for your artwork. . . on their skin? Tattoo commissions bring in good money for many artists, especially those with a bold, colorful style. This Thursday, Steff Metal will give some helpful words of wisdom for anyone in this field.
Friday in Photography Tips – Zach McCabe will finish out the week with three simple (yet often forgotten) tips for new photographers looking to capture the perfect image.
Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:
6 Fun & Interesting Art Projects You Can Do on Commission
Tim Hacker: Stunning Digital Photography From Around the World
4 Essentials That No Online Media Kit Should Be Without
3 Ways to Use Your Camera’s Aperture Settings
Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!
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