Monday in General Art Advice – UK landscape painter Diane Griffiths will share 3 questions she asks herself before declaring a painting “finished.” If you struggle with knowing when a painting is done, make sure to tune in tomorrow for that!
Tuesday in Painting Tutorials – Carrie Lewis will answer a reader question about oil paints—specifically, how long do you have to wait before you can paint a second layer of oil paint on top of the first layer?
Wednesday in Featured Artists – Drop in for a look at David Grudniski’s highly-energetic and complex paintings. As always, if you’d like your own art to be featured on EE, send it in!
Thursday in Drawing Tips – First time poster Robin Rudolph has graciously agreed to share her collection of tips and resources for drawing with colored pencils. Explore the full list thisThursday!
Friday in Painting Tutorials – Lyman Dally returns with another excellent demonstration of his painting process! This time, he’ll be sharing step-by-step how he paints portraits using acrylic paint.
Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:
How to Paint Sunflowers Using the Chinese Brush Painting Method
Selling Art Locally: 2 Ways I’ve Sold to Art Buyers Near Me
Zelene Schlosberg: Sculptural Artwork in Wood, Thread, Canvas, and Nails
These 4 Drawing Tips for Beginners Prove that Drawing is a Teachable Skill
What’s a Good Online Art Gallery Now That Vango is Gone?
Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!
EmptyEasel is proud to publish reader-submitted articles nearly every week. Please submit your own article here or learn why you might want to.
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