Monday in Video Tutorials – Tomorrow, David Kitler demonstrates how seeing the basic shapes within objects (like circles, triangles, and squares) helps him create much more complex drawings.
Tuesday in Motivation – Do you regularly experiment and try new things in your artwork? If not, what’s holding you back? Miranda Aschenbrenner encourages all artists to take that leap, this Tuesday.
Wednesday in Featured Artists – Mary Ellen Johnson creates larger-than-life oil paintings that look delicious enough to eat—and her subject matter doesn’t hurt either. Get the full scoop Wednesday.
Thursday in Art Marketing Tips – You’ve got your art blog set up. . . now what? Well, on Thursday Alyice Edrich will be giving step-by-step directions for creating simple RSS and email subscription options on your blog using Feedburner—it’s a must-read article for new bloggers.
Friday in General Art Advice – A lot of artists find themselves teaching art at some point, whether for business purposes or just to share what they’ve learned. Luckily, Angela Fehr has some great advice on how to do it, at the end of the week.
Plus, in the good deals department. . . (the artist website service I launched last year) is now offering half-off your first month if you sign up before the end of February. Even better, you can still try foliotwist absolutely free for 10 days before making your decision. :)
Interested? Click here to learn more.
And here are last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:
VIDEO: How to Paint “White” Objects In a Still Life Painting
How to Build Your Own Pochade Box for Painting Outdoors
Helene Havard: Creating Emotion Through Photography
The Extreme Sport of Watercolour Painting
Interview with Tina L. Scott: Portrait Photographer and Collage Artist
Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!
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