This Week: 7/11 through 7/17

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in Video Tutorials – Tomorrow’s video from Creative Catalyst contains several great tips and hints for using cheesecloth to create texture in your art. Ann Baldwin will again be demonstrating each technique, as she did last week .

Tuesday in General Art Advice – I’ll posting an in-depth review of a new eBook for freelancers by Chris Guillebeau and Charlie Gilkey. If you’re an artist, designer, or photographer who is interested in doing more commission work, then I’d highly recommend dropping in on Tuesday for that.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – Come by on Wednesday for some amazingly detailed pencil drawings by Robb Scott. And, in the meantime, please feel free to submit your own art to be featured as well.

Thursday in Artist Interviews – Alyice Edrich will be talking with Patrick Gracewood about his career as an artist and sculptor, and how he works with potential clients to make sure their vision matches his. Lots of good advice here.

Friday in Art Opinion – At the end of the week, John Stillmunks will be sharing a humorous, intelligent article on Picasso, Cubism, and the misconceptions that many, many people have about art in the 20th and 21st century. Don’t miss it.

Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:

VIDEO: How to Create Collage Texture with Gel or Paste

Corbin Hollis Choate: Graphic Enlightenment

How To Personalize Your Blog’s Comment Tagline

Why Would Someone Buy Your Art?

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