This Week: 7/26 through 8/1

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in General Art Advice – How important is being trustworthy online? Well, if we hope to sell our art (or at the very least build relationships with potential buyers) it’s obviously very important. Tomorrow I’ll discuss how we can go about it.

Tuesday in Motivation – Anne Paris, a clinical psychologist who routinely works with artists, shares some insightful tips on overcoming creative blocks and the urge to procrastinate. Her remarks really are eye-opening, and I highly recommend coming back on Tuesday to check it out.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – John Diehl’s unique, original landscapes edge toward the abstract and surreal, while still keeping one foot firmly planted in the realm of realism. Lisa Orgler has the full review on Wendesday.

Thursday in General Art Advice – Part two of Charlotte B. DeMolay’s series on teaching art to kids is coming out this Thursday. This time the focus is on determining optimal group sizes, ages of children, pricing, etc—it’s another great tutorial, and a must-read for anyone who is considering teaching art.

Friday in Selling Art Online – We’ve added several new features to foliotwist this month, so I’ll be mentioning those on Friday as well as a change in how we’ll be accepting payments. If you’re one of those who has been following along with our foliotwist adventures so far, I hope you’ll drop in to see what’s new.

Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:

Setting Goals: An Artist’s Perspective

Artist Grade Acrylic Paints – Advantages, Disadvantages, and a Brief History

Hena Tayeb’s Brilliant, Rhythmic Photography

Trash into Art: How I Turned Cast-off Cardboard into Art Cards

Buying Art in a Recessed Economy – Wise Investment or Foolish Mistake?

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