This Week: 5/17 through 5/23

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in Art Marketing Tips – Imitation is often looked down upon in the creative community—after all, we all want to be original—but when it comes to marketing your art, some of the best advice I can give is to find successful artists to imitate. Tomorrow I’ll explain a few ways to go about doing that.

Tuesday in Selling Art Online – Taylor Gillis (who is our newest permanent writer by the way) will be sharing his review of, a recently-launched online art gallery. Taylor has a lot of good things to say about Zatista, so I do hope you’ll come back and check that out.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – By fusing the traditional with the digital, Daniel Hills creates art that is anything but ordinary. . . and it’s pretty stunning to look at, too. Get the full story from Lisa Orgler this Wednesday.

Thursday in General Art Advice – Dianne Panarelli Miller will walk through some of the benefits to painting a variety of subjects (and experimenting with several different mediums) when learning to paint. She’ll also include a few tips on painting still lifes, landscapes, and portraits.

Friday in Selling Art Online – We’re adding a new feature to all of our artist websites this week, and I’m pretty sure some of you will be interested in seeing what it is. Drop in on Friday or Saturday to learn more.

Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:

What we Want Versus What we Need: The Artist’s Dilemma

12 Secrets to Having a Great Painting Workshop Experience

Stephen Magsig: Capturing Urban Landscapes in Oils

The 50/50 Method for Pricing Your Artwork

Caran d’Ache Neocolor II – Watercolor Painting with Watercolor Crayons

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