Monday in Art Marketing Tips – Are you holding back from starting your own art blog because you’re concerned you might not know enough about blogging to succeed at it? If so, make sure to read tomorrow’s article—I’ll be sharing several very effective blogging strategies that have worked for me and can work for you, too.
Tuesday in Painting Tutorials – There’s been a lot of interest in the concept of Notan lately, so on Tuesday Dianne Mize will be revisiting Notan with a further explanation (and clarification) of how to use this painting strategy.
Wednesday in Featured Artists – Pamela H. Viola is a photographer who combines stunning photos and digital textures to produce beautiful, one-of-a-kind photo prints. See her work right here on Wednesday.
Thursday in Selling Art Online – In this week’s reader-submitted article, Mary Lawler poses an interesting question: “Is your website 2009-ready?” Drop in on Thursday for some advice on how to freshen up the look and feel of your website for the new year.
Friday in Art Marketing Tips – With all the options available for selling and marketing art online, it’s increasingly easy to sign up for everything and spread yourself too thin. The better alternative is to create a focused plan of attack and stick to it—and I’ll give you the steps to do that on Friday.
Plus, here are two special discounts to kick off 2009:
Signature Canvas, one of our sponsors, is extending their flat-rate $5.00 shipping offer for another week to all EmptyEasel readers. (This applies to regular ground shipping only, of course.)
They’re also waiving their normal fee for custom-sized stretched canvas through January 10th, so if you’ve recently received a commission to create an odd-sized painting this would be the perfect time to get that canvas and have it shipped for less. Visit or call them at 800-420-3434 if you have any questions.
And finally, check out these three articles from last week:
13 Tips for Working With Acrylic Paints
The Role of Color in Art (or, How to Use Color to Enhance a Painting)
Alex Perez: Colorful Landscapes and Seascape Paintings from Chile
Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!
EmptyEasel is proud to publish reader-submitted articles nearly every week. Please submit your own article here or learn why you might want to.
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