Light-filled Photography by Melissa Tooker

By admin in Featured Artists > Photography

Melissa Tooker is a commercial photographer from Connecticut who specializes in light, colorful photography—often in a macro or large-as-life setting.

Texture and color play important roles in Melissa’s work, but if I had to choose just one thing, I’d say that the true focus of her photography is the interplay between her subjects and a shimmering, ethereal light.

2 by Melissa Tooker

In many cases, Melissa’s framing and setup are what make her pictures really shine. Just the act of cutting a starfruit (above) before placing it between the light source and camera allows her viewers to see every little detail within the fruit itself.

In addition, the simple color palette—primarily red and golden yellow—with a few small touches of deep green-blue, really emphasizes the clean, beautiful lighting of this shot.

Melissa’s other photos are just as colorful and impressive, often turning basic household knick-knacks into works of art.

1 by Melissa Tooker

The two button jars above, for example, are as beautifully abstract as any contemporary painting.

Seen through Melissa’s lens, only the closest elements—the curve of the glass and a few buttons—are recognizable as such.

The same goes for this gorgeous pink ribbon.

3 by Melissa Tooker

I’m always impressed by simplicity and ordered beauty, and Melissa Tooker’s photographs are certainly prime examples of both.

To see more of Melissa’s work, please visit her website at


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