Monday in Drawing Tips – Tomorrow, Carrie Lewis will demonstrate a few rather. . . non-traditional. . . uses for rubber cement thinner in your colored pencil drawings. Don’t miss it!
Tuesday in Featured Artists – We’ll be showcasing several paintings by Richard Rogers, an incredibly talented painter and art instructor from Australia. Remember, if you’d like your own artwork to be featured on EmptyEasel, send it in! We’re always looking for new art and artists to showcase!
Wednesday in Painting Tutorials – Come by for a fantastic, six-minute video tutorial (featuring mixed-media painter Kellie Day) and learn how to create your own handmade stamps and letters!
Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:
How to Draw Realistic, Vibrant Shades of Black with Colored Pencils – Part 2
Chelle Destefano: Quirky Watercolor Illustrations
The Tamba Project: Restoring Connections through Clay
Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!
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