Reverse Acrylic Paintings by Canadian Artist Jeanette Jarville

By admin in Featured Artists > Acrylic Paintings

Today’s featured artist, Jeanette Jarville, has quite a unique way of painting—or at least it’s a method I haven’t come across before.

Instead of painting on stretched canvas Jeanette paints on clear acrylic sheets, starting FIRST with her signature, which her subsequent brushstrokes cover up.

It’s not a problem though, because her completed paintings are viewed from the opposite side, through the acrylic panel. That means (besides having to paint her signature in reverse) that Jeanette cannot “redo” or paint over any mistakes.

And if her method isn’t intriguing enough, Jeanette’s work is also exquisitely fluid, often of beautifully stylized floral arrangements or figures.

Blooming Fire by Jeanette Jarville

Jeanette explains on her website that the clear acrylic adds a “luminescent and powerful effect” to each painting—I see a little bit of that in Blooming Fire, above, and it makes me wish I could see her paintings under actual light, as they’re meant to be.

There’s a definite stained glass elegance in some of Jeanette’s work as well, which is very apparent in this next painting entitled Soft Scents.

Soft Scents by Jeanette Jarville

I love the simplicity of the forms and colors, especially in the light orange pattern running up the right side of the painting. They contrast perfectly with the subdued green leaves on the left.

But Jeanette’s true passion, I think, are her figurative pieces like The Rose Garden.

The Rose Garden by Jeanette Jarville

Her figures are always a fascinating mix of organic lines and stylized features—often curved or tilted, while interwoven with flowers and each other.

If you’d like to see the rest of Jeanette Jarville’s artwork (and I didn’t even mention her landscape and still life paintings!) just visit her website at


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