This Week: 8/9 through 8/15

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in Motivation – Have you ever been reluctant to buy a work of art for your home or office, simply because art seems like a “frivolous” purchase compared to other things you could buy?

If so, come back tomorrow for Stede Barber’s take on buying art. . . she has a great way of looking at it, and will explain why she thinks buying art is anything but frivolous.

Tuesday in Painting Tutorials – Every painting medium requires a slightly different use of the palette, and acrylics are no exception. On Tuesday, Rose Welty will share some techniques for setting up (and storing) a palette full of acrylic paints.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – This week’s featured artist is Ilaria Rosselli del Turco, an oil painter from London, England. Drop by to see her work on Wednesday, and don’t forget to submit your own art to be featured as well.

Thursday in Photography Tips – Any aspiring photographers out there? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the different types of camera lenses out there, check out this Thursday’s article by Luke Montgomery. He’ll be explaining the various types of lenses available, along with some advantages and disadvantages of each.

Friday in Selling Art Online – A few months ago I came across an online gallery for student artists which gives 10% of each sale back to the artist’s school to support that institution’s art program. I thought that was a pretty cool idea, so I looked into them a bit more and I’ll be posting a full review on Friday.

Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:

How to Start (and Run) a Successful Mastermind Group for Artists

20 Great Art Websites for Art Students

Carolyn Finnell: Freshly Painted Fruits and Veggies

Teaching Art, Part 3: Marketing and Organizing Your Art Class

The Artist Life: A Sea of Unpredictability

Plus, if you’ve always wanted your own website. . .

This is your last week to receive an early-adopter discount at foliotwist, the art website service I launched last spring. (In a nutshell, foliotwist makes managing your own website a piece of cake. Check out the website for more details.)

Early adopters can choose to get 3 months free out of every year, or 1 month free every six months—for life! And it all ends this Saturday, August 15th.

Of course, foliotwist is absolutely free to try for 10 days—no fees, no strings, no obligations—so if you’re curious, head on over and sign up.

Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!

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