This post is part of EmptyEasel’s "spread the holiday cheer" experiment, where we’ve simply invited everyone to share their three favorite artists or art websites.
Here what Karen Cooper wrote:
"My three most-visited sites are. . .
1. Fine Art Views Blogs at
Of course it matters that I have a website with FineArtStudioOnline :) but I read their group blog because it shares the daily life of other artists like me.
2. Mary Connealy’s blog at
Although not a visual artist, Mary’s art is the written word. She has a way with words that sends you away smiling EVERY TIME—and don’t we all need a little of that?
3. Empty Easel at
Dianne Mize’s articles (in the painting tutorials section) are especially helpful to me.
And if I may be so bold to add a fourth. . . : ) I also subscribe to an online mag that is absolutely excellent. It’s at , and I visit it frequently. Non-subscribers can go for a brief visit but that’s not nearly as much fun, I’m sure."
Who is Karen Cooper? Check out her online portfolio or art blog find out.
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