Monday – Imagine a typical artist for a moment. What images or personality types come to mind? Do all artists look and act that way? Of course not. On Monday I’ll talk more about some general stereotypes of artists and give you my views on it.
Tuesday – If you’ve read my other articles about Imagekind or eBay, you’ll know that I’m always looking for better ways to sell art online. On Tuesday I’ll be talking about Sistino and Artist Rising: two new websites from which will expand its Original Art and Photography marketplace.
Wednesday – Have you ever looked at a piece of abstract art and wondered why anyone would create something so strange? Perhaps you’ve always felt that abstracts aren’t even real art. On Wednesday I’ll cover some of the history of how abstract art began, and hopefully give you a few new ways to think about it.
Thursday – I’ll also be featuring abstract painter Rom Lammar this Thursday. Check back in to see some of his work and contact me if you know of a particular artist that I should review next time.
Friday – Do you ever wonder how good your art is, or if it’s good enough to sell? You can’t expect a completely honest opinion from your friends or family, so where should you go for the truth? Come back on Friday for some tips on how to evaluate your art; as well as some good questions to ask when you want an unbiased opinion about your work.
Saturday – Bachelor of Arts will be on a short vacation for the next few weeks. Instead I’ll be expanding my crooning horizons with a few one-panel gag cartoons. If looking forward to this quite a bit, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as well.
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