Monday – Art critiques aren’t always fun, but usually they help you grow in the long run. On Monday I’ll talk about how to handle critiques, whether they’re good or bad.
Tuesday – Get ready for more submitted artwork on Tuesday, sent in by another EmptyEasel reader. I’m still accepting submissions, so make sure to read the guidelines for that (and enter) if you haven’t already.
Wednesday – Known predominantly for his drawings and paintings of ballerinas, Edgar Degas’ works will be the focus of my article on Wednesday.
Thursday – What’s up with Artist Rising? For you Artist Rising members, does it seem like there’s less happening than there was a few months ago? Write in early this week if you have any information and I’ll combine it with what I know on Thursday.
Friday – Well, my series on color is winding down, but it’s not over yet! There are still a few more colors I want to talk about, and this week it’s the color brown.
Saturday – Just another cartoon like normal this weekend as I continue my search for a specific, “cartoony” style.
But that’s not all. . .
There’s more?
Yes! Starting next week I’ll be accepting articles that YOU write.
I really want to expand EmptyEasel’s tutorial section beyond just oil painting and drawing instruction, so I figured who better than all of you, the artists who read EE in the first place?
If you’re interested in getting a more exposure for your artwork, and you’ve got a great tip, method, or artistic process that you’d like to share, send it in!
When I publish your article on EmptyEasel I’ll link back to your own art website or portfolio and credit you as the author. (Check out this article for example.)
Not only will your tips and advice help other artists, but the extra links pointing to your website will send you more traffic and boost your PageRank as well!
Email any articles (or questions) to with the word “Article” in the subject line.
That’s it. Hope to hear from you soon!
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