Rural Landscape Paintings by Alabama Painter Timothy M. Joe

By admin in Featured Artists > Oil Paintings

Not every artist can paint the outdoors, and fewer still are able to really capture the essence of a place just by putting down some oil on canvas. Timothy M. Joe is one of those few.

A self-taught painter from Greensboro Alabama (whose day job is in mechanical engineering),Timothy’s stated mission is to paint the rural byways, structures, and landscapes and “capture these hidden treasures before time erases them completely.

Based on what I’ve seen so far. . . I can’t think of a better person to undertake that challenge!

In Evening Getaway, I can practically feel the sun heating up the roof of this old cabin on a hill, baking the red soil and scrub grass around it with its late afternoon rays.


All in all, it feels like a humid, lazy summer day, and that shaded porch seems like an inviting place to spend the evening once the sun sets below the horizon.

Next (somewhere in the city, this time) the same golden sunlight heats up a two-toned brick wall at the back of a building. A unique winding stairway is the inspiration and namesake for this painting, suitably entitled, Spiral Staircase.


I love the contrast between the deep shadows of the adjacent alley, and the bright white and orange of the staircase. Those cast-shadows act almost like a sundial against the white wall behind it—my guess? It’s 5pm, and the day is just about over!

Lastly, again taking place during those golden hours of the setting sun, Timothy has captured the most beautiful pink and gray sunset, just off a freeway exit.


Glorious Exit has all the signs (no pun intended!) of a brilliant artistic metaphor. Where are we headed on this road called life?

Is the view ahead everything we want it to be?

To see more of Timothy’s gorgeous landscapes (as well as a few figurative and still life paintings) please visit his website today!


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