Daniel Walters is a self-motivator when it comes to creating innovative artwork. An Oklahoma native, he has worked tirelessly to become proficient in several different mediums. Although his originals below are old-fashioned portrayals of a simpler time, he also excels at painting modern portraits, wildlife and still life.
Waiting for a Ride, for example, depicts a gloomy, rain-filled evening, which (to my delight) doesn’t stop local residents from socializing!
Couples line the damp streets in festive, formal attire, strolling arm in arm without a care in the world. Meanwhile, a buggy awaits to take one couple back home after a night on the town.
Daniel makes the rainy evening come to life by detailing the stark tree limbs, which are bare-boned in the early spring when everyone wants to get outside at the first sign of a warm day, regardless of the weather.
Additionally, the way he paints the street rushing into the foreground provides us easy entry into the painting, letting us visually walk the same streets and experience the same relaxing evening as his beautifully-illustrated subjects.
On a different note, Death of a Marshal is much more somber, featuring ominous tombstones casting long black shadows that drape the scene in a moody darkness.
In those shadows, a fallen marshal lies, barely noticeable. In fact, one would miss him entirely if not for the sorrowful onlookers praying over his body by dim lantern light.
Gray overtones cover the entire scene. . . taken alongside with the body language of those in attendance, we have a clear idea of how we should feel.
Lastly, it’s another rainy evening in Night Court, but even the extra-slick streets can’t keep residents from enjoying the damp evening air.
Daniel uses a dry brush technique to create thinly-veiled clouds hanging low in the sky, and the muffled brightness of the street lantern. Water puddles line the curb, gleaming, as a couple passes by the courthouse on this calm, albeit drizzly, night.
Are you interested in seeing Daniel’s portraits, wildlife paintings or still lifes? Of course you are! Luckily, they’re all available for viewing on his website, too—head on over and take a look!
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