I love going for weekend drives with my husband. I always grab my camera hoping to catch that perfect shot or possibly some great reference photos for a future painting.
As a matter of fact, my camera is usually with me, even as I go about my daily errands. You never know when something unexpected might catch your eye and that image may be worth capturing.
Folks are generally quite complimentary about my photography and often comment that I am fortunate to live in such a beautiful area. While I don’t disagree with them, quite often the shots they are referring to are carefully planned and composed close-ups of an object most folks might not even notice.
Objects from nature, interesting patterns, and architectural details always attract my attention. Often the images are captured in unexpected places—along a busy street, in the yard or on a daily walk.
If you have a discerning eye and a decent camera as your partner, you can find beauty and drama even in life’s smallest details. Here are a few examples:
“Under My Feet”
On one of our weekend drives, I was intrigued by the shapes and texture of the pavement under our feet as we explored a neighborhood.
My husband chuckled when he saw my interest and confessed that he had never noticed the unique surface below. The gorgeous texture and intricate pattern of these sidewalk bricks were a treat to discover.
I took this photo on a very cold late November afternoon when everything looked gray and dull. The bright yellow leaf was one of few left dangling from a tree in our yard—most were simply brown leftovers from earlier in the Fall.
The one reminder of the glory of autumn was this perfect photographic subject. The camera loved the color and value contrast between the leaf and the dark background.
The cool hues of the frozen birdbath, constrasting with the warm colors in the background leaves drew me to this natural composition. I also found the textures in this shot to be visually stimulating. All in all, it was quite the unexpected discovery right in my own backyard.
“Natural Patterns”
This final image portrays the beautiful repetition and patterns that are plentiful in nature. You can find all types of beauty outside, no matter what season it is, or what the weather is like. All it takes is a close and true examination of nature.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. . . and I hope you’ve been inspired (at least a little bit) to look closer and find beauty wherever you are as well.
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