What is EmptyEasel, exactly?
EmptyEasel is a website for artists and art lovers. It has two purposes: first, to bring greater understanding of art through clear, well-written tutorials and articles; and second, to help new or unknown artists reach a wider audience by encouraging ALL artists to use the internet to promote and sell their artwork.
In addition, much of what is written on EmptyEasel falls under the category of opinion. Art is subjective, after all.
Why don’t you allow comments?
For a number of reasons, but mostly because we have a small team and don’t have time to moderate them or deal with spam.
So why do you let other people write articles?
Because we know we can’t cover every topic, or be experts at every medium, style, or subject matter. Our goal is to allow all the other fantastic artists out there who have knowledge to share, to share it!
Can I write an article for EE?
Probably. : )
We do not accept articles that don’t have any value for readers, or are self-promotional—and please don’t copy/paste someone else’s writing.
In general, if you write an article that shows HOW to do something, or discusses another artist in-depth, or gives an interesting art-related opinion, we’ll publish it.
Take a look at the article submission form for more details.
What’s in it for me if I do?
This is the best part—not only will you get recognition for the article on EmptyEasel, but you’ll also get two links back to your art website, art blog, or online art portfolio.
Those links will send direct traffic from EmptyEasel, and help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines as well. If you don’t have a website but you’re selling original artwork or prints online through some other website, we’ll link directly to the page where your art is for sale.
It’s really a win-win situation. Other artists get the benefit of your knowledge, you get the traffic that you need to sell your work.
Are there any rules for submitting artwork?
Yes, but only a few.
We need an image or two of your artwork, a short paragraph about yourself, and the URL of your website or another place online where we can go to see more of your work.
See the artwork submission form for more info.
I submitted my art weeks ago—where is it?
Unfortunately not all artists who submit their work will be featured on EmptyEasel. There are just too many submissions per week to ever show them all.
That doesn’t mean you won’t be featured eventually, however. Every submission is kept on file, and it may just be taking some time to reach the front of the line.
Are you working for another art company?
No, but we did start a company which provides easy-to-manage websites for artists.
Will you link to my website?
Maybe. You can always send us a message and ask. Keep in mind that best way to get a link from EmptyEasel is to contribute, so sending in artwork or writing an article is a much surer way to go about it.
Anything else I should know?
Well, you might want to sign up for the EE newsletter—it’s a short email sent to your inbox every week with information about upcoming articles. You can’t beat the price (it’s free!), there are no ads, and a lot of people seem to like it. : )