This Week: 4/26 through 5/2

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in Drawing Tips – Come by tomorrow for the start of a two-part tutorial on creating distance in your drawings. As always, Carrie Lewis has tons of great illustrations to make things easy, so if you’re looking to improve your landscapes, make sure to drop by!

Tuesday in Painting Tutorials – Sonia Leggett will be sharing a detailed walk-through of a painting she completed while on holiday in Suffolk, UK. She describes how to use a gouache resist technique—along with watercolor washes and India ink outlines—for some great results.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – Don’t miss out on Oleg Deshevsky’s incredibly realistic paintings this week. Translucent glass, a variety of textures, brilliant light. . . it’s all there, and it’s fantastic!

As always, if you haven’t yet submitted your own art to be featured on EE, please do! We’d love to consider your work for an upcoming article!

Thursday in Motivation – Finish out the week with an uplifting story of a free, after-school arts program with a big vision (and see how you can be a part of it!)

Here’s an update on the Google group we started last week:

We’ve already had some great discussions about the new EE art gallery that we’ll be starting by this fall, with lots of feedback and a good amount of agreement on how the gallery should be structured.

I’ll be going through each of the discussions in the Google group over the next few days in order to summarize the general consensus that we’ve been reaching. If all goes well, I should have a fleshed out plan to share with EVERYONE by next week—so stay tuned!

Is there something you’d like to share on EE? Send it in!

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