This Week: 6/23 through 6/29

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in General Art Advice – For those of you working towards a career in illustration, stop by tomorrow to learn how to create a professional-quality illustration tear sheet that you can send to clients.

Tuesday in Art Marketing – Alyice Edrich will be sharing 5 tips for shooting an effective, engaging, YouTube video to market your art. If you’re on YouTube already, or you’d like to be using it to gain more viewers and buyers, this is the article for you.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – Don’t miss Erin Beck’s excellent photographs this Wednesday; and of course, feel free to submit your own artwork to be featured on EE as well. We’re always looking for new artists, and we’d love to see what you have to offer!

Thursday in General Art Advice – Finish out the week with another article from Steff Metal. This time, she’ll be exploring the world of t-shirt art, with some great tips for those of you interested in wearable media.

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