This Week: 3/28 through 4/3

By admin in Weekly Preview

Monday in Video Tutorials – Tomorrow, Caroline Jasper will be demonstrating how artists can use contrasting colors to heighten the intensity of a painting—even if those colors don’t really appear in your landscape or still life.

Tuesday in General Art Advice – There’s an age-old question that artists ask which goes something like this: “Should I make what I love. . . or make what sells?” Daniel Sroka tried doing both, and after much thought has come to a conclusion about what works better for him. He’ll share that with us on Tuesday.

Wednesday in Featured Artists – If you like endless coastlines and simple, beautiful landscapes then don’t miss Padraig McCaul’s minimalist paintings of Western Ireland. Lisa Orgler has the full story on Wednesday.

Thursday in Art Marketing Tips – Come back on Thursday for another blogging tutorial by Alyice Edrich. This time, learn how to harness the viral power of Twitter by adding a “tweet this” button to your art blog.

Friday in Motivation – Deborah Beroset has sent in a rather, ahem, intimate look at her mixed-media process, entitled Spooning All Night: A Mixed-Media Love Story. If you read just one article during the week, make it this one.

Last week’s articles on EmptyEasel:

VIDEO: 5 Simple Design Elements That Will Improve Any Painting

BoundlessGallery Artists Get A Free Ride to ArtSpan – If They Want It

Karen Ramsay: Plein Air Zen with a Pen. . . And Watercolors

Building an Audience Online: An Interview with Artist Chrysti Hydeck

Portraiture: An Unexpected Pleasure

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